Diseases and Health Challenges

At Copenhagen Center of Functional Medicine, we treat both healthy clients who want to work on prevention and lifestyle optimisation, as well as clients with diseases and chronic conditions they want to alleviate and gain a deeper understanding of.

Below you will find an overview of the diseases and health challenges we most often work with. The list is not exhaustive, and we also address challenges and issues not mentioned below.

While we have treated numerous clients from their chronic conditions, we cannot cure everything, and it may be late in the process to intervene with functional medicine. However, it is therefor necessary to look at diet and nutrition to optimise the course of the disease. It is important to emphasise that you should not stop taking prescribed medication without consulting your medical doctor.

Diseases and Health Challenges

At Copenhagen Center of Functional Medicine, we treat both healthy clients who want to work on prevention and lifestyle optimisation, as well as clients with diseases and chronic conditions they want to alleviate and gain a deeper understanding of.

Below you will find an overview of the health challenges we most often work with. The list is not exhaustive, and we also address challenges and issues not mentioned below.

While we have treated numerous clients from their chronic conditions, we cannot cure everything, and it may be late in the process to intervene with functional medicine. However, it is therefor necessary to look at diet and nutrition to optimise the course of the disease. It is important to emphasise that you should not stop taking prescribed medication without consulting your medical doctor.

Functional medicine for disease treatment

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a partially hereditary condition. However, it is important to be cautious when diagnosing children with ADHD. Children with sleep problems and high sugar intake should first have their diet optimized.

Some children have problems with their gut flora, while others may react poorly to medication if they have elevated levels of copper and HPA bacteria in the gut. Zinc and magnesium deficiencies may also occur.

Diseases and health challenges

Adult acne is not just small, red, painful pus-filled pimples; it can also manifest as blackheads and whiteheads, which are open and closed pores that are visibly clogged.

Acne can also appear as large and sometimes painful collections of inflammation under the skin. Spotty skin is often seen on the face, shoulders, and upper back. Acne is most common in adolescence, but some adults still suffer from severe acne.

Acne creams or pills can help, but we will investigate the root causes of the problem and treat it.

Treat allergy with functional medicine

Allergy symptoms come in many forms, such as food allergies, grass allergies, pollen allergies, and pet allergies. Many Danes take medication and pills for allergies, but few know that allergies can be cured.

Allergies can have serious consequences and be very disabling. Through our treatment program, we work to identify your allergens and heal them.

Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain and manifests as reduced cognitive function and poor memory. The disease often has a genetic component, but it is more complex than simply looking for the much-debated Apolipoprotein Epsilon 4 gene or ApoE4 gene. Even for those at increased risk, there is good news. Research shows that the risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s are correlated, so it’s a good place to start. Contact us if you want to develop a plan for preventing and treating early Alzheimer’s.

Treat asthma with functional medicine

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes shortness of breath and attacks. Asthma treatment often focuses on inhalers. However, asthma is caused by irritation typically due to dust, mold, or foods like gluten and dairy products.

Through diet, we work to balance how the immune system responds to the substances that trigger the body’s reaction.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is often related to dysbiosis and conditions like Post-Covid Syndrome (long-term effects of Covid-19). Additionally, lack of energy is frequently due to the body fighting bacteria or fungi in the gut. Optimizing these factors can improve your symptoms and give you more energy.

Circadian rhythms, also known as sleep rhythms, are crucial for maintaining normal function and resistance to disease. We work to optimize these rhythms and sleep patterns in all our patients.

Dementia is a brain disease that affects memory, intellect, and emotions. There are different types of dementia, and most of them can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Treat depression with functional medicine

Depression is often caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain. 95% of the body’s serotonin is produced in intestinal cells. Therefore, a healthy gut is often crucial for mood. We work on optimizing gut health.

Diabetes (Type II) impairs the body’s ability to regulate glucose (sugar). Through changes in diet and exercise habits, the disease can be controlled, or the risk of late complications can be reduced.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain in joints and muscles and can be highly debilitating. Lifestyle and diet optimization can be crucial in relieving symptoms.

Gastrointestinal problems include a range of symptoms such as flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux. Often, it is due to an inflammatory condition in the intestine. A thorough assessment and analysis of the client’s history, combined with a program of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, can alleviate most symptoms.

Lifestyle optimisation with functional medicine

Hormonal imbalance is a broad topic that includes hormones such as melatonin, testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormone. These imbalances can be caused by autoimmunity or diet and lifestyle factors.

Treat infertility with functional medicine

Infertility and fertility challenges are common in Denmark. The causes can be genetic, and many are already aware of the importance of diet and avoiding toxic substances in food, clothing, skincare products, and indoor environments. Stress is the third and often underestimated factor.

We have treated many couples who, after years of fertility treatments, have achieved pregnancy through dietary and lifestyle changes, stress management, and optimization of the Omega 3/6 balance.

There are familial lipid disorders with elevated LDL or cholesterol, but for the most part, they can be normalized through diet and lifestyle.

Achieve longevity with functional medicine

Striving fo a long and healthy life is not a disease but a goal for all of us. We continuously stay updated on the latest research in longevity. Additionally, we offer customized programs for those who want to optimize their health with annual check-ups and optimization suggestions.

Metabolic syndrome results in an increase in body weight and increases the risk of diabetes and pre-diabetes, as well as insulin resistance. Several factors play a role, including inflammation, dysbiosis, and activity. HbA1c tests can help identify where one is in the process and allow for ongoing correction.

Treat migraine with functional medicine

Migraines can be alleviated by addressing diet, lifestyle, stress, and autoimmune factors. Here at the clinic, we work with a holistic approach.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease where the nerves are slowly broken down by the immune system, which is highly debilitating. Although the exact cause is unclear, improving diet and lifestyle can reduce symptoms.

Obesity is a growing issue and is associated with an increased risk of various lifestyle diseases, mental stress, and early death. In addition, obesity leads to more unhealthy years with reduced quality of life compared to those with normal weight.

We work to optimize diet and exercise, but we also focus on stress management and improving sleep, as these factors can have a significant impact on weight loss.

Weight loss thereby becomes a natural result of an overall improvement in the individual’s overall health.

Osteoporosis often occurs as people age. We see that exercise, a healthy diet, and supplements are important in slowing its progression.

Parkinson’s causes slow and rigid movements, tremors, and muscle stiffness.

An autoimmune component is suspected, so the primary focus is to reduce autoimmunity in the individual, through diet, lifestyle, and exercise, to combat the disease or optimize its course.

In psoriasis, the body attacks its own skin cells, causing sores on the skin. We have many good examples of significant improvement in the condition through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks its own cells in the membranes surrounding the joints, which normally produce fluid to ensure smooth joint function.

Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint stiffness and pain. Symptoms are often most pronounced in the morning or after inactivity, and the joints can swell, feel tender, and possibly even warm.

Through diet and lifestyle, we can reduce autoimmune reactions and thus improve symptoms.

Up to 5-10 percent of the population suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome, abbreviated as RLS. The condition can be highly debilitating and have a significant impact on one’s quality of life.

We investigate numerous factors and use various supplements to optimize the condition. We see significant improvement, for example, with the intake of magnesium.

Stress is extremely widespread. In fact, our biggest problem with stress is that it leads us to make unhealthy decisions, such as poor diet, poor sleep, and lack of rest. Therefore, stress is an overarching problem that leads to more issues, including inflammation, which, in turn, increases the body’s stress levels.

Together, we develop a program where we analyze stress and its sources. We measure several stress biomarkers, and simple measurements like HRV can also provide insight into the stress level. The program focuses on optimizing diet and lifestyle and addressing the underlying causes of stress in one’s life.

Both poor sleep and lack of sleep can be extremely debilitating and have significant negative consequences for one’s health.

We use various sleep strategies, improve sleep patterns, and change sleep habits to optimize an individual’s sleep and health.